By Premier
Thursday, January 24, 2008

KK: “I’m madly in love with you.”
CB: “I hope you feel that way for a long time. In case you haven’t noticed, I am madly in love with you, too!”
KK: I’m at Laker game. The security doesn’t believe I’m mayor. Mike is pulling out all kind of shirt to prove it.
CB: And, did you miss me, sexually?
KK: Hell yeah! You couldn’t tell. I want some more. Don’t sleep!
KK: That’s the first time that I couldn’t fully seduce you. My game is off. LOL! Thanx for the conversation and the QT! Love you!
CB: LOL! Your game is way on baby! “you had me at hello!” Jerry McGuire 2000. LOL. I just didn’t want to get caught.
When is people are going to ever learn, when you get a government issue Black berry, it is very likely that they can trace back your text messages and your calls. Has anyone seen Bourne Supremacy, hell any cop show can show you that, “Law & Order” for that sake. Now this is supposed to be an educated guy. Let’s smarten up people.
The county prosecutor's office declined to comment on the legal implications of the report, posted Wednesday on the Detroit Free Press' Web site. A conviction of lying under oath can bring up to 15 years' imprisonment.
Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty testified last summer in a police whistle-blower lawsuit and denied any sexual or romantic ties in 2002 and 2003. But the Free Press said it examined about 14,000 text messages on Beatty's city-issued pager from those years and found many examples of such ties.
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