T.I. Out on $3Million Dollars Bail**Exclusive**

By Premier on Friday, October 26, 2007 with 0 comments

As highly anticipated as the new forth –coming Jay-Z album ‘American Gangster’- The verdict is in, T.I. will be released on bail today Friday, Oct 26, 2007. On the same day as Genarlow Wilson (The infamous 17- Year old boy that was accused of raping a young girl 15-years old.), was released from jail, T.I. has his freedom as well-JUST FOR THE MOMENT.

The Court room was monitored like fort Knox; with standing room only as if you were in a V.I.P line outside the 40/40 Club. You might as well hand out V.I.P passes for this one because this was the talk of the town and we have it for you here.

It would be unfair for us to add our opinion about this case but we have been doing an extensive coverage on this case. We have been interviewing entertainment heavyweights to get their perspective on what they believe this is going to be for the future of Hip-Hop.

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**Today the judge ordered:

1. 3 Million Dollars Bond- ($1Mill-Record Label, $1 Mill in CASH, $1 Mill in Asset).
2. There can’t be any known felons at the house without prior consent-approval.
3. There can’t Be any one at the house except his kids and the girlfriend.
4. There will be a federal agent 24 hours a day in the house to monitor
5. Able to perform his job but only in the house.
6. T.I. and his kids must surrender their PASSPORT.

T.I.'s Lawyers speak out!!!!!!!

Big ups to Rolling Out !

Category: T.I. in Court