T.I. Arrested before 2007 BET Hip Hop Awards

By Premier on Saturday, October 13, 2007 with 1 comment

More troubles for the man that openly says he runs Atlanta and the self-proclaimed "King of the South" !

“The tables have turned –DARKNESS” [that was my Dave Chapelle reference]-T.I. has been allegedly been arrested for violating his parole. A huge scandal has been suspected that Clifford “T.I.” Harris has been running an underground gun ring. ***THIS IS A CLASSIC CASE OF-WHEN KEEPING IT REAL GOES WRONG.

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We don’t know how credible this is, we are on the scene now looking and calling for more information on this topic. As the Atlanta scene is swirling with rumors of what happen, bloggers like sohh gyant and myself are bewildered wt what has taken place.

As our office phones were blowing up , we finally seen a report distributed . No official statement has been putout. Several Grand Hustle crew members were apprehended in this episode.

Sources say that T.I. performance was not cutt out and they still performed his song with out him…. [WTF] lets go BET lets do better!

Check back for more details

Category: T.I.



Anonymous said...
Sun Oct 14, 12:36:00 AM

"When keeping it real goes wrong"! Lol! PJ u r crazy! Keep it up! -keanna