You are here: Home » » Akon Investigated For Allegedly Molesting Girl: What is his problem
A pastor and father of a 14-year-old girl has defended his daughter, after she engaged in a raunchy dance with singer Akon. During a tour stop in Trinidad, Akon and the girl engaged in a dance that simulated aggressive sexual acts on stage in front of a rambunctious crowd. Pastor Dave Alleyne of the Flaming Word Ministry of Chaguanas told The Trinidad Express that his daughter was not in control of the situation. The girl was one of seven females that joined Akon on stage to compete for a chance to dance with the Senegal-born singer.
Pastor Alleyne did describe the dance of his 14-year-old daughter and Akon as "atrocious." Many in his church want Akon banned from public performances in the area. In the video, the crowd is seen cheering on both Akon and the girl to dance the way they did.
What is happening with our young men. Now i know that some of these girls do look grown when they are young ... but give me a break! Lets have some damn self control . We are already getting the unneeded backlacsh from America and their blame tactics. Men lets step up and have some self control.
But again in Akon's defense, How did the women get on stage?
What made her feel like she wanted to get on stage?
If she is so young an innocent, why was she there at an Akon concert... We all know that Akon does not have a clean image....despite is success on POP RADIO.
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Akon was too rough!He handled her like a ragdoll -which isnt a good look. I dont think he should be investigated though. The venue/club is repsonsible for checking id and not letting 14 year olds dressed like 25 year olds into concerts. Where was her guardian?
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