Usher still hates bloggers and he still loves his wife !!!

By Premier on Friday, May 30, 2008 with 0 comments

In recent news about URR-SHER, he has fired back at the bloggers and magazines about people not respecting his marriage. Are we convinced this is a real marriage??? Maybe after this album he will divorce here since the publicity stunt is over….

[All I am going to say is …. Confessions..CHilli ] figure it out!
"Of course a lot of what I read does affect me. There's been a lot of untrue statements that have come out. One, my wife's age. Two, her name. She's not a Foster, she's a Raymond. I married her. Also, the fact that maybe there was some malicious intent on her part with my family or my mother. There's a lot of transformations that have taken place in my life and unfortunately my wife got a bad beat for it. But I'm very happy. She's not done anything in a negative way other than make me a better man in life. As a father, as a more conscious individual."

“I love my wife very, very much and there has been a little rumor earlier this week about us separating; it ain't true. As a matter of fact I'm tired of people continuing to talk so much trash about me, my wife and my mother.”

Category: Usher