"Sex in the City" is Finally here! Red Carpet

By Premier on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 with 0 comments

What the Hell is he doing at the premiere of Sex in the City... Who is he...? Oh yes "Punk from Flavor of love #2.... They let you walk the red carpet? Why?

There he is , The New York Giants QB Eli manning getting is fake "Bigg" look on !

Where is your other Destiny child member....? [ and not Beyonce-we know where she is] ! I'm talking about the one who got denied for the role Jenny Hud is playing in the movie. I guess it was better for you not to show up to save face. !

Who is this?...LMAO She does have her Red Carpet swag together!

We see Sarah still looking like a skeleton.... Where is the Cosmo?

Wow! Someone must have told her since she lost some pounds that she looks good in dresses like this. Do better Jenny !

Can Lil' Kim look more plastic then she looks now. And to top it all of she looks like Light and Bright. I guess the lil Ray J young boy has got her all caught up these days.

All I can say is Ferigie looking fergilicious!

And there you have it .... Ms. "No Mo Drama " looking pretty good in her Chanel swag ! Like the shoes too , Mary !

Category: New Movie Spotlight , Red Carpet , SEX IN THE CITY