T.I. or I mean T.I.P is in deep SHIT ! ......Gunning for BAIL !

By Premier on Friday, October 19, 2007 with 0 comments

T.I. as you know through the HHP.com staff you have been receiving up to the minute news about this unfortunate news for T.I. allegedly attempting to buy fire arms while on probation from a previous felony conviction. The media needs to stop making this young man out to be a villain but as we all know he is not a saint.

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A lot of us love T.I.’s music so we can get cloudy with our judgement but rest assured we do believe that T.I. deserves what he gets through the legal system. Some of you are just too uppity and arrogant to realize that you are not perfect either-passing judgment on the boy.

Today we will see if T.I. will be out of Jail or if he will be on house arrest or in fact sitting in a jail cell.
More on the official Arraignment !

Category: T.I.